Livestock Auction
Market Alberta
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Upcoming Sales at Strathmore market:
February 13th, 1:00 PM
Rafter G Land & Cattle
270 Bred Heifers

100% one-iron, home-raised from a closed herd built on Soderglen genetics.
240 Black Max
30 Red Max
Rebel Livestock Black & Red Angus low birth weight heifer bulls out July 21st for 60 days. Historically 80% calve in May - 10% late April, 10% early June.
Fully herd health under the Dawson Creek Veterinary Clinic.
See you at the market and Online, Live bidding online at teamauctionsales.com!

Bred Female Sales 2025
February 13th Sale
Thursday, 1:00 PM including Breds:
100% one-iron, home-raised from a closed herd built on Soderglen genetics.
240 Black Max
30 Red Max
Rebel Livestock Black & Red Angus low birth weight heifer bulls out July 21st for 60 days. Historically 80% calve in May - 10% late April, 10% early June.
Fully herd health under the Dawson Creek Veterinary Clinic.
Rafter G Cattle & Land - 270 Bred Heifers

January 23rd Sale
Thursday, 1:00 PM including Breds:
Fox Cattle Co. - 240 Bred Heifers
- 200 Black Bred Heifers
Black Angus/Black Angus X Bred Heifers
Start calving 2nd week in March (28 day exposure).
Bred to proven Black Simm low BW bulls.
Full herd health program.
Forage fed - no grain! 95% barley silage, 2% canola meal, 2% molasses, 1% probiotic
1/2 moderate framed - 1100lbs
1/2 larger framed - 1250lbs
- 40 Red Bred Heifers
Pyramid FP5 + Presponse SQ, 8-Way, Ivemectin pre-breeding, ultra-sound preg-checked in August and again before leaving next week.
95% barley silage, 2% conola meal, 2% molasses, 1% probiotic with free choice mineral
Here is a tremendous set of Red Simm X bred heifers! Bred to easy calving, low BW Black Simm bulls calving mid March with a very tight 28 DAY EXPOSURE. Don't miss this opportunity to add youth and quality to your herd.

December 19th Sale
Thursday, 1:00 PM including Breds:
Crooked Creek Farms
- 250 Head
Strathmore, AB
Complete Dispersal of 250 Cows
60% Black, BBF
40% Red, RBF
Bulls turned out June 22nd for April 1st calving.
April / May calvers. Anything preg tested after the 60 day calving window were called open and culled.
Bred to:
Black Angus/ Black Angus-Simm X
Red Angus / Red Angus-Simm X

Bred Female Sales 2024
November 27th Sale
Wednesday, 1:00 PM including 400 Breds:
Sale Catalogue and Live online bidding available at www.teamauctionsales.com!
Spruce Ridge Farms' 140 Breds

50 Red, RBF Heifers.
Bulls out June 5.
Low birthweight Red Angus bulls.
Bulls pulled Aug 5.
Beautiful 1100lbs Heifers.

80 Red, RBF Simm-Angus X 2-4 year olds.
10 Black, BBF Simm-Angus X 2-4 year olds. Bred to Charolais Bulls.
Bulls turned out June 1st.
Larry Hatchard's 80 Complete Herd Dispersal
Half Black, half Red.
Bred to one Soderglen Red Angus bull and 3 Redline livestock Angus bulls.
Bred for 45 days .. bulls out June 20 pulled Aug 4.
All home-raised heifers vaccination program is FP5 and 8way at weaning, FP5 booster mid winter and FP5 and 8 way again just before breeding.