Livestock Auction
Market Alberta
Call Us: +1403 934 1644, Bryan Danard |
+1403 934 3344, Office | Contact Us below
Upcoming Sales at Strathmore market:
February 13th, 1:00 PM
Rafter G Land & Cattle
270 Bred Heifers

100% one-iron, home-raised from a closed herd built on Soderglen genetics.
240 Black Max
30 Red Max
Rebel Livestock Black & Red Angus low birth weight heifer bulls out July 21st for 60 days. Historically 80% calve in May - 10% late April, 10% early June.
Fully herd health under the Dawson Creek Veterinary Clinic.
See you at the market and Online, Live bidding online at teamauctionsales.com!

Market Report
Week Ending: January 31st
Total Head Sold:
Due to the cold weather the week of February 7th, there was no sale at our Strathmore market. The week is about steady to the week before:
157 Head
D1 D2 Cows 184-199 194
D3 D4 Cows 178-197 190
Bulls 188-202 198
Steers 720 lbs - 4.46
Steers 925 lbs - 3.75
Below has been left as January 31st's Market Report
Steers - Feeder
900 + lbs. 302 -373 356
800 - 899 lbs. 343 -406 380
700 - 799 lbs. 360 -442 405
600 - 699 lbs. 399 -484 452
500 - 599 lbs. 438 -543 510
400 - 499 lbs. 475 -584 542
Heifers - Feeder
900 + lbs. 290 -356 328
800 - 899 lbs. 318 -357 350
700 - 799 lbs. 344 -399 378
600 - 699 lbs. 360 -431 415
500 - 599 lbs. 382 -461 450
400 - 499 lbs. 408 -526 505
Butcher & Replacement
D1 - D2 Cows 178 -198 191
D3 - D4 Cows 160 -196 188
SL Bulls 172 -204 196
Bred Heifers
Bred Cows
Calgary Stockyards-Strathmore Auction Marketing facility is located 1/2 km west of Strathmore, AB along the Trans-Canada Highway and Westridge Road.
Bryan Danard: +1403 934 1644
Calgary office: (403) 234-7429, Strathmore Market: (403) 934-3344
Fax, Calgary office: (403) 266-3368, Fax, Strathmore Market: (403) 934-4383